The Power of Termux

The Power of TermuxYou’re trying to create an app, and you want to do so with Python because it’s simple to program with. This would be all well and good if the app were for a computer. As it is, you’re trying to design an app for a mobile device. But, wait: you’re probably arguing that Python was not made to run on mobile devices. Thus, shouldn’t such a task be impossible?

Because of Termux, we can assuredly answer no.

Termux is basically a programmer’s dream. In itself, it is an application run as an emulator, which, in this case, is a mobile system made to act like a standard PC, on mainly Android devices. Termux uses a secure protocol, specifically OpenSSH, the open-source, open-community version of a standard secure networking Secure Shell (SSH). This means that anyone with programming experience can collaborate with each other, and may do so over a secure network, no matter where they physically are. This makes the platform perfect for programming on the go, whether it be for work, practice, or leisure. Additionally, for those inexperienced with programming, Termux is a simple-enough application to learn and practice Linux command lines. This is mainly because the Linux command system is easy to understand; but its simplicity can also be attributed to Python’s presence, should the programmer install its package. Termux already comes with a library of several packages, including but not limited to SQLMap – a vulnerability detection tool – and Wireshark – a Network analyzer and troubleshooter. All you need to do is command the install of the one you want. In Python’s case, you would need to enter the command pkg install python (pip). Once your desired system is established, you’re ready to start programming.

The platform features multiple shells for programming or interpreting (i.e. Bash) and text editing (i.e. Emacs). This allows for open experimentation of coding within the platform. And these experiments have led to some amazing community projects, including wrappers for media playing (otherwise known as MPV), and scripts to easily create repositories and packages in Termux. One public project posted on Hackabay, allows you to replicate a Linux box on your Android device, so that you can complete various tasks, such as viewing and editing documents or accessing a server whilst traveling. This can be convenient in times when you don’t have your laptop or desktop around. 

There is currently a misconception that Termux is a platform for hacking of the more malicious kind. It is true that in the past, Termux had some packages that were strictly made for hacking, such as Hydra and Sqlmap. However, these packages have since been removed in order to discourage malicious hackers from using the platform. While Termux has already been determined to be open-source, that does not mean they are open-standards. The platform has even stated that any questions about hacking could result in banning an inquisitive user. Similarly, Termux has banned all packages related to phishing. These measures are not completely foolproof or preventive; but overall, Termux is interested in user safety, encouraging standard web safety practices such as updating hardware and the platform version to their most current forms, and discouraging practices that have the capacity to hurt the programmer or other users. 

Programming on mobile, and with Python no less, can be easily done with the help of Termux, which has led to all kinds of community innovations that allow for working in a mobile, yet secure and non-hostile environment. See more on the benefits of learning and working in Python in our recent blog post here.


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